Sunday, August 4, 2013

I haven't properly acknowledged my wife, Coqui, for all she's done throughout this ordeal. Her participation goes way, way back, before we even got married. Her love and support for Mom quickly earned her a very special place in Mom's eyes. She is, in Mom's words, another daughter.

Coqui used to own a condo near the Galleria. It took her 15-20 min. to get to work. When we decided to live in Cypress, near Mom, she did so knowing that it meant a daily commute of 1-1 1/2 hrs. each way. And not once has she complained about it.

I am clear that I could not do what I'm doing for Mom without Coqui's support. She's been here every day, she's always keeping things light and funny, and is always ready to spring into action when Mom needs something. She's my partner and my lifeline. I am blessed beyond words.

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