Friday, August 2, 2013

Mom is doing much better today. Coqui came to visit her during lunch and took this photo. Brittany, her PCA, is here now. She bathed Mom this morning and changed her clothes. Mom told me she felt wonderful to feel a hot bath on her skin.

Last night Mom's blood sugar zoomed to the moon. It's not clear why. The diabetes educator stopped by today to show Mom how to apply insulin and one of the things she said was that the high number was probably an anomaly and nothing to be concerned about. 

With Brittany
The main thing now is that Mom's vitals are leveling off, finally.The steroids have been playing havoc up until now. Unfortunately, they are needed to help with the brain swelling and will be needed for some time, at least through the beginning of radiation.

And speaking of radiation, Dr. New, the neuro oncologist, just stopped by. She's wonderful. She listens very carefully and attentively. She's the one they had to take out of the storage closet, remember? Dr. New is in charge of a new protocol called NovoTTF here at Methodist. Mom is a candidate for this type of treatment. It uses electric fields in conjunction with typical radiation and chemotherapy. The final pathology report is in as well. It is a glioblastoma grade 4, the most aggressive of the glioblastomas and also typical of patients mom's age.

Don't ask about life expectancy. We want to leave that door wide open. We welcome miracles. Regardless, Mom is very calm. She said to me that she's here to shine God's light as long as He wants, and when He  wants her to shine his light elsewhere, she'll go willingly.

At the moment we are inclined to take Mom to my house. Coqui and I had talked about this possibility a while back and for some reason when this started I saw in my mind Mom sleeping in our guest bedroom. Mom will need care all the time and at the moment we are not sure if she'll ever be able to go back to her home. We would very much want to achieve that but at the moment it's doubtful. We've been asking for information from different sources so that we can be prepared to take care of her. We talked to the dietician, the nurse practitioner and Dr. New about the things we need to do to get ready.

Some of you have expressed your desire to help. Well, in the coming days we may need your help indeed. We'll keep you posted. Mom is still too weak to take calls or receive visitors. When she goes home this is likely to change. We'll let you know.

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