Monday, August 5, 2013

Mom's coming home today! To HER home.

It was decided by all of us that it is in her best interest to be in her home. Given that there will be family members here for the next 15 days or so, we can handle the 24/7 attention her care demands. And then sometime next week we'll have the follow-up appointment with both Drs. Zhang and New. That is a crucial meeting where her future care will be defined. Her sutures will also be removed.

She sounded, in her words, 100% better today and VERY happy to be coming home. Once we move her and we see how her energy holds we'll let you know if calls and/or visits are appropriate. In either case, however, keep them short. She does want to see you and hear from you, make no mistake about that. We're just trying to manage her energy and health.

Yesterday we had a couple of special visitors, Gerry and Adriana Sarmiento. For those of you who don't know or forgot, Coqui and I met at their restaurant, Mezzanote. Adriana was recollecting that Mom and I stumbled into Mezzanotte because the pizza place in the same shopping center was full. Had we stayed to eat pizza it's likely I would have never met Coqui or the Sarmientos and Mom wouldn't have found such good friends. We've enjoyed many great meals at both of the Sarmiento's restaurants, Mezzanote and Piqueo.

Harold Velazquez and his fiancĂ©e, Susana, also stopped by. Harold was a classmate of mine from junior high, in Mexico City. Who would have told me that one day, 40 years later, he'd be sitting in the same room with me, with his fiancee, visiting my Mom in a Houston hospital. Life's twists and turns are amazing.  It also happens that Susana has a physical therapy clinic in Mexico City and has lots of experience in the field. When she comes back in three weeks we hope that she'll be able to work with Mom in some capacity.

Speaking of PT, Stephanie came to work with Mom yesterday. Stephanie is the hospital therapist and really put Mom through her paces. And Mom, being the trooper she is, worked hard to exercise her body. She's one tough lady as you know. And she's fighting to regain her health as best she can.

Paul, Vicki, Susana, Coqui and I ended the day by sharing dinner at Brios off Kirby. It was good chance to recap the events and look ahead at what needs to be done as well as what to expect.

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