Saturday, August 10, 2013

On the eve of the Big 80 --

The rest of the Ferrer clan arrived last night. Christy got here in the afternoon. And thanks to Susana and Juan's intervention as well as Benny Otero on the Mexico City side, Aunt Mary came to stay here for a while as a welcome surprise. Mom was especially eager to see her. They've been friends since they were 5 years old.

The photo is of a cake Christina and Eric made  well together with the video below. This was going to be for a video I was secretly making for Mom's party in Mexico City. All of that got cancelled but the video shows that the kids put a lot into this, not just a short video message. Though they won't be here in person, their video is a good substitute.  I will miss them though.

I wrote a four-page letter to the President and CEO of Methodist. Wisely, I ran it by my sister who is the assistant to the director of the VA hospital here in Houston. She gave me very constructive criticism and I whittled that letter down to just over a page. I also changed the style and made it more to the point. In another blog I'll write the letter I'd really like to send.

But never mind that. Here's Christina and Eric being their goofy selves.

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