Saturday, August 3, 2013

Saturday was a mixed day in the sense that Mom was in good spirits and had her sense of humor back, but her speech is definitely affected. And she's not ready to handle too much information. She gets easily overwhelmed. For now, it's best if you don't call, please. She does want to know that you're thinking of her so send her text messages or e-mail. Send cards or letters if you wish to her house. And if you do speak with her, don't ask about her condition or what the doctors have said or when she's coming home. Just let her speak. Mom knows they didn't get the whole tumor out but that's all. Beyond that there is nothing to say so don't ask. I'll keep doing my best to keep you updated here.

We don't know if she's coming to our home on Monday. It looks like her discharge date may be moved back a day or two just to give us time to get ready. It's a big change for all of us.

Vicki took out her guitar for the first time in eight years. It sounded as if she had never stopped playing. She was and is a wonderful guitar player. The soothing classical music was the perfect acoustic addition to the room. Mom loves classical music, if you didn't know that. Did you also know that she wanted to be a concert pianist? But no, her parents wanted her to have something she could use to make a living. Sounds familiar? I wonder how many gifted artists we've lost through the ages because of the same well-intentioned but misguided parental advice. In those days, for women, it meant secretarial work so that's what Mom set out to be. And she was a very good one.

Mom used to play the piano wonderfully and recently she had started to play again. 

Dr. Paul, always there when we need him, was around yesterday to help explain Mom's wild ride through sodium, potassium and blood sugar readings. Slowly things are leveling off.

Ron Jones who's like an adopted brother to us -- older brother that is -- is here every day, and every day he brings presents. For Mom it's like Christmas. She loves presents.

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