Monday, July 29, 2013

Coqui and I arrived at the hospital around 5:20 a.m. Christy, Alexie, Vicki, Susana and Ron were already here.

We collected Mom's things and prepared to be able to leave with Mom. We knew that Mom would not come back to this room since she'll have to spend a couple of days in ICU first. And then she'll be given some other room

Mom chatted about everything and nothing, sort of out of it. Between the tumor and the medicines she's taking she was loopier than the Beltway/Hwy. 10 exchange. We all felt very calm, however. I know she'll come out of surgery fine. I'm not worried about that. I don't think any of us around here are. The question is what will happen after. There's life before surgery and after surgery. This is the beginning of a whole new chapter in all of our lives.

Beauford Wells, Paul's dad and a retired anesthesiologist arrived right before they came to get Mom. He used to work at this hospital long ago. It's good to have someone around that can understand medical lingo and the workings of a hospital. Well, Vicki does that too so we're covered one way or another.

We've had fun keeping things light around Mom. I posted the sign you see here on day 2 because the nurses called her "troublemaker" in a kind, teasing way. They actually like her a lot. She's won many friends. Below you see Hui, her favorite nurse. They've all been great but Hui in particular went above and beyond. Mom wrote a letter to him that was posted in a bulletin board at the entrance to the floor, where patients can acknowledge good service. The bulletin board for bad service notes is somewhere in the basement I think. I doubt anyone uses it, however. The staff here has really been outstanding.

We actually took photos of most of her nurses but there's not enough room here for them. We have uploaded them to her electronic photo frame that Vicki bought her so hopefully you'll get a chance to see that at some point.

Jonathan Hart, aka J.J., also was here. It's always great to see the Harts around. It's a huge morale booster. Anyway, J.J. and some of us have been walking with Mom, keeping her as fit as possible. 

I found out the hard way that Mom can't handle more than light thoughts. She prefers to do most of the talking. So what's new, right? But now she really prefers to do that. She has a hard time following conversations. So keep the conversation light.

 Vicki with the help of Christy and others knit Mom a cap. 

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