Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Yesterday, Tuesday, was Mom's first day in the NICU. They determined that she's allergic to morphine which explains why she was acting so bizarre in the recovery room. She called it the worst place on Earth and told us it was filthy, that she could see lint and dust all over. She was hallucinating. We also know this because she called me good-looking. In the NICU they switched the morphine for something else and gave her a diabetic diet to help with her sugar. She was annoyed that we were not there earlier but didn't have the strength to say much. She dozed off and by the time my sisters left she was sleeping.

Just so you know, the NICU is in the 4th floor of the main building. No visitors are allowed between 6-8 both a.m. and p.m. And no more than 3 visitors at a time in the room but other than that there are no rules. It is not a comfortable place by any means and we discourage visitors because of Mom's weakened condition. If you do come, however, Mom will like to see you but please keep it short. We trust that today they'll move her to a private room like she had before, as soon as her sodium levels are stabilized.

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