Monday, July 22, 2013

Mom had a body scan Saturday morning. The preliminary results indicate that there are no cancer cells elsewhere. However, she's having a Petscan probably today which is a test designed specifically to search fo cancerous cells. If none are found she will most likely have surgery soon, perhaps towards the end of this week. It'll definitely be after Wednesday because they need to get the Plavix out of her body.

Mom is doing well and is in good spirits. She had a lot of visitors this weekend. Chris and Lauren, David and his girlfriend, Ron. And of course Vicki and Paul. Vicki has been there every day, all day. Susana, Christy and Alexie are expected to arrive Wednesday.

We had our traditional Crepe Breakfast Sunday but this time at the hospital. We generally invite Mom and we all eat in our pijamas at home. So Coqui and I showed up at the hospital in ours. It was an interesting experience walking through the hospital in our jammies and robes, hauling a suitcase and a large bag full of food condiments and utensils. We fit right in with the downtown hobo crowd so no one paid much attention.

I strongly suggest that you come to see Grammy if you can before her surgery. Right now she's lucid, conscious and in good spirits. Life after surgery, however, is a complete unknown. The tumor is right on the edge of where motor skills are controlled so there is a possibility that that part may be affected. We don't know if she'll be able to speak afterwards or just how conscious she'll be.

Remember that Mom's house is available as is ours so housing and transportation are not a problem if you're coming from out of town.

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