Monday, July 29, 2013

Dr. Zhang came to see us around 1:15 p.m. He said surgery went well. The tumor was indeed right next to the part of the brain that controls motor skills on the right side, specifically her arm, eye and hand. So he took out only 70% of the tumor.

The tumor is indeed cancerous. The type is glioblastoma. You can read more here:

At 2:20 Mom still was in the recovery room. She'll soon be brought to the ICU where she'll be for a couple of days. The doctor said he expects her to stay here for a further five days during which time we'll know a lot more about the tumor, her condition and prognosis. There are a LOT of unknowns so don't ask too many questions. We just don't know much though at least we know more than we did yesterday. That's sort of how things will be, one day at a time.

As I wrote earlier, our lives have all changed. Here's the letter to Hui. You can see how Mom's hand-writing has changed but her heart hasn't. Always remember that. 

Below is another one of Mom's nurses. They've all been great.

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