Thursday, July 25, 2013

It's Thursday. Yesterday reinforcements arrived: Christy and Alexie, Juan and Susana. Wow, what a relief it is to have family around. Useful family, that is. The kind that will wash, iron, and cook for me. Actually by my own definition that would make my entire family useless so I better come up with a new definition. Family, blood-related or not, are those folks that will be there when you need them, no questions asked. They will catch your fall, help you clean up and get back on your feet. And won't require a co-pay nor will you need to meet a deductible. You will, however, have to give them a hug or something.

I admire my family. I am very, very lucky to know that there are such talented, creative people in it. And all have made it past the sixth grade except me. That's a good thing because I often need adult supervision.

 I am more and more optimistic about the situation. I am convinced Mom will pull out of this. I don't think the tumor is the end for her though it does mean that life won't ever be quite the same for her or us. We don't know what that means and we won't know for quite a long time. All we know is that surgery is on Monday, tentatively. We know that she'll  be in the ICU for a couple of days and then a few more days as guest of the Methodist Hilton before she can go home. At some point towards the end of next week we should have the final pathology report and only then will we know what we're dealing with. It will be much longer than that before we know what Mom's true condition is in the aftermath of all this. The dust will take a long time to settle, kind of like in my office.

I warn you that I'll need to spend some time with Mom alone. If I ask you to step out or not come, please don't take it personally. I need to get ready to take over her administrative affairs and she and I need to spend time doing this with no interruptions. Mom is getting tired as the days go by and her strength is sapped after receiving visitors all day. Her ability to speak and to reason are also diminishing so time is of the essence.

Love you all.

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