Monday, July 29, 2013

Mom had a Fudici stealth protocol mri, generically known as a functional mri. This test lets the surgeon know what parts of her brain control certain functions like speaking, moving the tongue, raising the arm, etc. It was conducted, according to Mom, by an German doctor that inspired great confidence in her. In addition to removing the tumor, I've asked them to install a button directly wired to the part that complains. It's a simple on/off switch which I know will come in handy.

On Saturday Mom had her hair cut very short and on Sunday the doctors placed the anchor points that will hold the device that is used to keep the surgical instruments on the tumor regardless of any head movement.You can see them in this photo.Coqui thought she could charge her iPhone on one of those. The photo was taken Sunday evening, on the eve of the big day.

Mom told us she could not believe the amount of love and support that she has gotten from so many corners; people have sort of spread the word and everybody knows her situation. It's blown her away so thanks to all of you.


Andrea Higuita is an oper from Colombia. She met Mom at Lone Star College where Mom was teaching ESL.  Over the past few months Andrea and Mom have gotten very close. It was Andrea who first talked with Mom on the day Mom went to the ER. When Andrea heard Mom tell her about her symptoms she quickly urged Mom to call Paul immediately which she did. And that's what got the ball rolling. We found out later Mom planned to drive herself to the ER!

Eric and Christina also came down from Dallas. They've recently bought a house and are planning to wed next year. 

Ibis and Joan Arrascaeta and Joan's mother, Teresa, are our Cuban friends that immigrated from Cuba via Spain about a year ago. They've adapted extremely well and have become very good friends of all of us.

Had to take Tessie in last week for a check up with her vet, Dr. Caballero. I told him about Mom's situation. He told me that his mother had brain surgery about 10 years ago in Honduras and she's alive and well. He also showed me the little angel that Mom gave him for Christmas, something that touched him very much. 

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