Sunday, July 21, 2013

All is quiet in the Western Front. Mom had a full scan yesterday but we haven't heard the results yet. If cancer is found elsewhere then they will be able to do a biopsy without having to do brain surgery just yet. That's the good part. The bad part is that it would confirm metastasis.

Ron Jones came to visit, as did Nick and Roya. And as we were leaving Paul's parents arrived too. Vicki had been there most of the day as she has since Mom was admitted. There was so much hugging and kissing and shaking hands going around that Mom sort of got lost in the melee. We almost forgot why we were there. Oh, mom, yes that's right. There you are. How are you feeling dear?

Mom's actually feeling better. I think here spirits are up but she misses her home very much. We have to do something about that.

I'm trying very hard to be optimistic but last night when I went to her house to feed her entourage I was hit with another wave of sadness. Mom just had her kitchen remodeled with granite tops. It looks fabulous thanks to Coqui's design. She got to use it all of about a week.

Mom's getting to know her nurses well and she raves about the care she's getting. They have all been very kind with her. Lack of care or attention is definitely not a problem here.

If you think about it, send her a video of you or photos. She does have her iPad and she's actually using it. I think it would help her mood to see your faces not just hear your voices. And if you can, come. Methodist Hospital on Fannin Street in the Medical Center. Room 429, the Angry Bear Den. She'll have to tell you why we're calling it that.

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